Status | "Initializing - Not Connected"

Gain insight into potential causes and solutions for when a device isn't connecting to the internet with the status message Initializing - Not Connected.

Updated at May 11th, 2023

Affected Products

Hardware Model/Series AES67 Receiver
Software QDS any version


"Initializing - Not Connected" on AES67 Receiver. 


The AES67 Receiver must be set to have at least as many channels as are being transmitted from the transmitting device.


Solution | Workaround

You most likely just need to set the AES67 Receiver channel count to match the number of channels you are bringing in on the stream.

The AES67 Receiver must be set to have at least as many channels as are being transmitted from the transmitting device.


Most Attero Tech devices have an extra pilot tone that needs to be accounted for when receiving AES67 in Q-SYS. That is, if you are receiving 4 channels of AES67 from an Attero Tech device, you will have to set the AES67 Receiver for 5 channels.


To learn more, see the AES67 Receiver topic in Q-SYS Help.