Error | Error Saving Design to Core

Learn how to troubleshoot when your design isn't saving properly to Core.

Updated at August 4th, 2023

Affected Products

Hardware Model/Series





Error Saving Design to Core - Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).


When trying to deploy a design, you may see this message. This issue can occur no matter what design is being deployed. Even when this error is shown, you can still access Q-SYS Core Manager.


Solution | Workaround

To correct the issue:

  1. Reset the Core back to factory defaults using the NEXT and ID buttons on the front panel.
  2. Reconfigure Name and IP of the Core in Core Manager.
  3. Only use LAN-A to connect to the Core to test design deployment. If successful, add the use of LAN-B on a separate network (if required) and retest design deployment.