Error | "Fault: Channel Format"

Find out how to troubleshoot formatting issues in your channel. Learn how to quickly diagnose and fix common channel errors.

Updated at May 22nd, 2023

Affected Products

Hardware Model/Series N/A
Software Soft Dante RX block in Q-SYS


The error you see in the Soft Dante RX block in Q-SYS says "Fault: Channel Format." 


 This error is due to sample rate mismatch between the source device (A&H Mixing Console in this case) and the 110f running Soft Dante. This makes sense because the 110f does not offer SRC (sample rate conversion) in the same manner that a CDN64 card would. 


Solution | Workaround

If you see this error, you should open Dante Controller.. In DC, you can see subscriptions created but they have errors. If you hover over one of them, you see language that is similar to what we see in Q-SYS.. However, if you deselect and re-select one of the channels/subscriptions and then hover over it, you get a different and much more telling report. It says "sample rate mismatch." 

The solution is to change the sample rate of the source device via Dante Controller. Some devices may need to have this change made locally at the device but many/most will allow for it via DC. Open the source device in Device View and then navigate to its Device Config tab.. Select 48k, if available, from the drop-down menu and then reboot the device. After the device reboots and clocks shake out, you should see all of the subscriptions/routes initialize and then go green/ok.

Screenshot of DC for reference: