Error | “Error Extracting Design”

Learn strategies for diagnosing and resolving errors related to extracting design from various sources.

Updated at May 16th, 2023

Affected Products

Hardware Model/Series N/A
Software QDS 8.1.x


Error Extracting Design
Value cannot be null.
Parameter names: key


Error message pops up when trying to emulate a design file on the local computer in Q-SYS Designer (Q-SYS Designer 8.1.x)

This error message is typically triggered when a UCI Viewer component(s) have been added to the Design Inventory list and no UCI has been assigned to that UCI Viewer. 


Solution | Workaround

Option 1

Create and assign a UCI to all the UCI Viewer components that have been added in the Design Inventory list.  UCI assignment is accomplished in the “Properties” column shown on the right side of the schematics page when clicking on each UCI Viewer component in the Inventory list.


Option 2 

Completely delete the UCI Viewer components from the design's Inventory list.


Option 3

Update Q-SYS Designer to version 8.2.0 or greater.  Proceed to open and emulate the design file in question.