Error / Status | Processing Overrun

Updated at August 8th, 2024

Affected Products

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Event Log Message: Core / peripheral is in fault because Processing overrun



A processing overrun means that the audio processing thread didn't complete its task in the allotted time (333mS).
This error typically does not cause audio loss in the system if it occurs in an isolated incident. If this error repeats consistently, it is typical some audio loss will be noticed.

 It can occur on Q-SYS Products that process audio.
These type of errors will typically be reported right after a design start and would be considered normal.



Solution | Workaround

There are typically two ways to troubleshoot the following error:

If the device that reported a processing overrun is NOT the grandmaster of the system.
It is common that Processing overruns occurs when there is a clock interruption. Look in the Event logs before/around the processing overrun for the following type of errors to determine if the issue was caused by a clock interruption

  • Grandmaster change reported in the event logs
    This can be caused by a device being added to the network or the grandmaster device being taken off  the network, or power cycled. This will cause the devices on the network to renegotiate the grandmaster. The interruption/change of the grandmaster can cause a processing overrun and the processing overrun should be ignored.
  • Clock Sync error
    a clock sync error occurs when there is enough ptp jitter on the network that the local device has to modify it's internal clock to sync with the inconsistent delivery of the network's grandmaster. This internal clock correction can cause audio processing overrun error. 
    If you are receiving clock sync errors along with processing overruns, QoS/network settings should be verified as PTP delivery is suspect.

If the device that is reported a processing overrun IS the grandmaster of the system
Processing overruns can also be caused when the core's audio processing it at its limits.

  • Verify to see if your core is close to using 100% “total signal processing” by using “check design” or looking at the Core's status block (verbose mode enabled) at the the “process compute usage”.
     If you are close to 100% used and there are intermittent spikes in processing, this could cause a processing overrun.

If none of these apply then create a case with Q-SYS Support and submit the logs from your device for more troubleshooting.