Awareness | Understanding how many Dante flows are needed

Learn how to calculate the optimal number of Dante Flows necessary for specific use cases.

Updated at August 6th, 2024


Each device is 1 flow. The first 4 channels of that device are also part of that single flow. The next 4 channels (5-8) add a second flow . 

As an example, an 8x8 channel Software Dante license allows 4 flows in each direction. If you have 4 Dante Devices each transmitting 1 channel this will work as expected, but if you add a 5th device you will not be able to receive any audio as you are out of flows. To add the 5th device you will need to increase your Dante license. 

That same 8x8 Dante license can utilize a single 8 channel Dante device, or two 4 channel Dante devices. or four 2 channel devices.


It is also necessary to understand that each Software Dante License includes a maximum number of flows. The QSYS Dante License's flow limitation is equal to half the number of channels of that license and cannot be exceeded.