How To | Tie individual Crosspoints from a Matrix Mixer to a Snapshot Bank in Q-SYS

Learn how to quickly and accurately tie individual Crosspoints from a Matrix Mixer to a Snapshot Bank in Q-SYS.

Updated at May 24th, 2023


If you ever try to drag a crosspoint from a mixer into a snapshot bank and you get a red pop saying "Selection does not contain any snapshotable controls", then it is likely that you need to "unbank" your mixer. 

If your mixer has more than 16 outputs, it automatically banks the controls, meaning it creates separate pages for each group of 16 outputs. 

If you have more than 16 outputs AND your mixer is banked, then you will not be able to drag individual crosspoints into a snapshot bank without getting the above error. 

You must go to the mixer's properties, find the Control Banking section and change the input and output bank size to "Not Banked". 

This will give you a full view of ALL of the crosspoints and you will now be able to drag individual crosspoints into a snapshot bank.


Mixer banking also effects Named Controls. If your mixer is banked, then you cannot drag crosspoints that are in the same position but on a different bank. 

For example, on a 17x17 mixer if you are on output bank 1…16 and you drag the crosspoint at input 1, output 1, and then go to the 17..17 output bank and try to drag the crosspoint at input 1, output 1, you will not be able to.


Overall, if you have a mixer with more than 16 outputs and you plan on using it in a snapshot bank or with named controls, make sure to unbank it!