How To | Switch between -U and control firmware for Biamp/Symetrix (-B/-C) - Attero Tech

Learn how to change between firmware for Biamp/Symetrix devices to control audio output and settings.

Updated at June 20th, 2024


All Attero Tech products now ship with only -U firmware pre-installed. -B/-C format for Biamp and Symetrix control is still available for supported devices through a simple firmware update. The steps below describe the update process.

  1. Go to
  2. Follow the instructions on the page to create and download a Mode Key.
  3. In unIFY Control Panel select and launch the Smart Firmware Update from the Tools menu. 
  4. To use the updater, first click on the Select File button. This will open a file explorer window for the selection of the desired firmware package. The smart firmware updater utilizes .SFU firmware packages. These files are available on the Q_SYS website for all supported products.
  5. Once the desired file has been selected, the application will search for devices that match the selected firmware update package. The application will also determine the relevant features that require updates on each device.

The discovered device list shows the following information about the device.

  • Device Name
  • Product Version
  • Device Mode - This control allows selection between -B/-C and -U firmware option support for proper integration with the target DSP and/or control system used in the product installation
  • Status - Shows the number of required steps for the update based on the current state of the device
  • Progress - The top progress bar shows the progress for the current step in the update 


If either Dante™ lock or the parameter lock are active, the device will show up with a padlock next to it and the progress bar will be replaced by text indicating the device has an active lock. No updates will be possible in this device until the lock is removed.

  1. To initiate an update, check the device or devices in the list with their associated checkbox and click on the Start button. The smart firmware updater will determine the appropriate portions of the device firmware that require updates. 
    1. To override this functionality and force a complete update, select the Force All Updates checkbox.

The update process can be stopped at any time by pressing the Cancel button, however, in order to prevent device lockups the updater will continue until it is safe to cancel the overall update operation.

If a device fails during the update process it will be shown in red after updates to all other selected devices are complete.