How To | Enable a new MTP-128 Feature Key for a Q-SYS Core

Discover how to enable a MTP-128 Feature Key to extend the functionality of a Q-SYS Core for greater flexibility.

Updated at November 30th, 2023


Sometimes a Core Key needs to be changed or added to enable a Core feature which was purchased after the Core was manufactured. 


A customer desires to increase the default Audio Tracks from 16 to 128 by purchasing the MTP-128 option. Ideally, this feature would have been enabled when the Core was originally built at the QSC factory, but sometimes the customer does not realize they need more audio tracks until they actually receive the Core and start to program it. Once they order and pay for the desired Feature, (the MTP-128 in this example), we can assist in enabling the Feature Key. 


If there is ANY doubt about this procedure, call QSC directly. It might be advisable to send the Core to a QSC facility (Costa Mesa, California, or our Hong Kong office) to enable the Feature Key. We can also do a "remote session" using TeamViewer to a local PC that is attached to the Core network, and enable the Feature Key using the customer's computer. 

  1. Close any instance of Q-SYS Designer which might be running. 
  2. Open a web browser. 
  3. In the URL field of the browser, navigate to the Core "backdoor" page.


Be VERY careful on this Backdoor page. Do NOT click any link or "poke around" unless explicitly told to do so by QSC! You could easily render the Core inoperative, essentially turning it into a brick! 

  1. Click the 'Hardware ID' link and copy the Hardware ID number that will be displayed. 
  2. Paste that Hardware ID into the body of an email, and send the email to "". 
    1. Also include the serial number of the affected Core. 
    2. In the case of the MTP-128 option, please include a reference to the Purchase Order number or Sales Order number so we can verify the desired feature was purchased. 
  3. QSC will use that Hardware ID to generate a new Feature Key. 


This Feature Key will be unique for this particular Core -- you will not be able to use it for other Cores. You will receive the Feature Key string in a follow-up email reply.

  1.  Paste this Feature Key string into the 'Add Feature Key' field of the Backdoor page.
  2. Click the "Add" button just below that field. You should see a "Success" message in the browser window. 
  3. Close the browser and then launch Q-SYS Designer. 
  4. Open the Q-SYS Configurator and select that Core's icon. 
  5. In the main screen of the Configurator, just above the IP settings, you should now be able to verify the MTP-128 feature is available for that Core. 
  6. In your Q-SYS Design, modify the Core properties accordingly to utilize the new Feature (128 audio tracks, like in our example).