Tip | Steps to ensure Dante network operates as expected
Learn helpful tips on diagnosing and solving networking issues with a Dante network.
The following are three steps to make sure your Dante network is operating as expected:
Clock Master - Indicated in the center of the main Dante Controller window just to the right of the buttons at the top. There should only ever be one clock master listed and it should be named and should never change. If it changes without the original device going offline, or there is more than one device listed, or the clock master is shown as only a MAC address or it says "Unknown"...that's a problem. This is usually caused by problems distributing the multicast PTP clock traffic.
Clock Distribution - Accessed by clicking on the "Clock Status Monitor" indicator in the very bottom right-hand corner of the Dante Controller main window, and then selecting the "History" tab. The graph for each device should show green lines only (more than one line is OK as long as they are all green). Yellow lines or worse, red lines indicate clock distribution issues which means the PTP multicast traffic is not being distributed correctly around the network.
Audio Distribution aka Latency - Only shown for devices that receive audio. Shown on the "Latency" tab of the "Device View" window which is accessed by double-clicking on a devices name from any of the main tabs in Dante Controller. Each graph should should only green lines. Yellow lines or red lines indicate audio is arriving late which may indicate a network issue.
Devices with older Dante firmware may not support this feature in which case the “Latency” tab will be hidden.