FAQ | Can I use a WCP-1 to control Q-SYS devices that have GPIO inputs?

Learn how to use a WCP-1 to control Q-SYS devices with GPIO inputs.

Updated at May 10th, 2023


The answer is yes. The WCP-1 is a simple 10k potentiometer mounted on a circuit board, with both terminal strip screws as well as an RJ-45 connector to access the three pot terminals (CW, Wiper, and CCW terminals).  It is certainly capable of being wired to, and to control, the GPIO Input connections of most Q-SYS devices with GPIO (with a couple exceptions).  If the Q-SYS device in question has a GPIO input block with the ability to be set as "10k Potentiometer" , you can safely wired the WCP-1 per the attached examples. 

It is best practice to use all three connections (CW, Wiper, and CCW terminals) rather than simply the Wiper and CCW terminals (referred to as a "2-wire pot").  All three wires will yield a more-stable connection, especially for longer cable runs. 

There is no audio on these connections.  The WCP-1 merely provides a variable control voltage to the GPIO input.  This voltage range will be either 0-12vdc or 0-3.3vdc, depending on the Q-SYS device's GPIO specs.  Very often, simple shielded twisted pair (STP) cable is perfectly suited for this connection.  Ethernet cabling (i.e., CAT-5) and RJ-45 connectors can be used but it is VERY important to note this is NOT Ethernet signals!  

As mentioned earlier, there are a few exceptions. Devices which will not work with or accept the WCP-1 (or any pot/control voltage, for that matter) are:  The Q_SYS Page Stations and the IO-22 devices' GPIO inputs will only work with purely digital (TTL), contact closure, or "on/off" signals -- no ability to interface with analog or variable control voltages.