Awareness | LED Status - Axon A4FLEX

Learn about how LED awareness can help you identify the operational status of your Axon A4FLEX machine.

Updated at June 19th, 2024


The A4FLEX is equipped with various LED indicators. The following chart indicates the available LED status information:

LED LED Indication Status
(PWR / NET / USB / I/O)
solid YELLOW Booting
slow blink RED Critical Error
slow blink WHITE Identify
fast blink BLUE Firmware Update
PWR White Power On (OK)
NET solid RED No PTP sync
solid GREEN synced Slave
solid WHITE Master
USB White USB host connected
I/O Off Ch1-Ch4 Input
GREEN Ch1-Ch3 Input
Ch4 Output
BLUE Ch1,2, and 4 Input
Ch3 Output
WHITE Ch1-Ch2 Input
Ch3-Ch4 Output
SIG Off Signal below -60dBFS
GREEN Signal between -60dBFS and -20dBFS
YELLOW Signal between -20dBFS and -3dBFS
RED Signal above -3dBFS

For more information, refer to the Axon A4FLEX User Manual.