How To | Non-scripted methods of providing users with radio buttons in Q-SYS

Learn non-scripted ways to add radio buttons to your Q-SYS system for user-friendly navigation.

Updated at August 29th, 2024


Radio buttons are commonly used in user interfaces to provide the user a method of selecting a single selection from a list of options - i.e., if you have a group of buttons, only one will be true at a time. This can be useful in many situations - for example, if you have four command buttons that change the source on an external HDMI switcher and you want to give the user a visual representation of which source is selected. Radio buttons that are tied to those command buttons would be a perfect solution (since command buttons themselves are triggers and don't have a state). Another example might be turning the Solo buttons on a Matrix Mixer into radio buttons so that only one input can be solo'd at a time.

There are many ways to accomplish radio buttons, but here are two very simple non-scripted solutions.

Using a Control Router

Drag in a Control Router component and set the Input count to the number of radio buttons you want and set the output count to 1. Then, under control pins, expose all of the Input Selects. You now have radio buttons and can use the control pins to tie it into your logic. Here is a screenshot of how one could tie these to command buttons as described above:


Using a Selector

Drag in a Selector component and set the Selection Count to the number of radio buttons you want. Then, under control pins, expose all of the Selector buttons. You can now use those selector buttons as your radio buttons and can use the Selector control pins to tie into your logic. Here is a screenshot of how one could tie these to the Matrix Mixer input solo buttons as described above: