How To | Diagnose AES67 audio loss from Q-SYS Core processor

Gain insight into diagnosing AES67 audio loss from a Q-SYS Core processor, and how to solve it.

Updated at October 5th, 2023


Check the settings in the AES67 Transmitter block and note the multicast address. For example:

When you add an AES67 Transmitter to a design, the Multicast Address defaults to When you reboot the Core or push a design, the Core creates random numbers for the values. Since a device receiving AES67 audio is listening on a given IP, if the Core changes the transmitting IP, the receiving device no longer receives any audio.

There are two ways to prevent a Core from changing the stream address:

  1. Replace the "xxx" with values to create an IP address. These values must create a unique multicast IP address that is not used by any other stream in the system. 


    Look at a device that was receiving this stream to see if the stream's IP address is indicated. If so, use it for the Multicast Address.

  2. Change the Connection Mode property of the AES67 Transmitter to "Manual" mode. Then, save and run the design to the Core again.

After you make one of these changes, re-assign the stream to all receiving devices to ensure they are using the correct stream IP.

For more information, refer to the AES67 Transmitter component topic in Q-SYS Help.