How To | Add custom labels for Channel Group pages

Learn how to tailor your channel group pages with custom labels for a more organized experience.

Updated at July 30th, 2024


An easy way to label the pages of a Channel Group is to use a Text Edit Custom Control.

  1. Add the Channel Group component (found under Layout)

  1. Select the number of in/outs needed.

  1. Add the desired components (equalizers, comps, gains, etc.).

  1. Add Custom Controls to the Channel Group.
  2. Select Text Edit in the Custom Control properties.
  3. Drag the Text Edit field into the Channel Group page and customize.

  1. Emulate (F6) or Save to Core and Run (F5).
  2. Select page 1 of the Channel Group. 
  3. Type the desired text into the text field and press Enter.
    1. Repeat for other pages in your Channel Group.

Example Video