FAQ | Which QSC loudspeakers have an IP rating that is IP34 or higher?

Discover the QSC loudspeakers with an IP rating of 34 or higher to protect your equipment from the elements.

Updated at May 18th, 2023


The models below are all rated for IP34 or higher:

Surface Mounts

  • AC-S4T
  • AC-S6T
  • AD-S4T
  • AD-S6
  • AD-S6T
  • AD-S8T
  • AD-S10T
  • AD-S12
  • AD-S112sw

Column Mounts

  • AD-S402T
  • AD-S802T
  • AD-S162T

Ceiling Mounts

  • AD-C4T
  • AD-C4T-LP
  • AD-C6T
  • AD-C6T-LP 

Pendant Mounts

  • AD-P4T
  • AD-P6T
  • AD-P.SUB
  • AD-P.SAT 

Small Format

  • AD-S.SAT
  • AD-C.SAT
  • AD-S.SUB
  • AD-S.SAT