FAQ | Where can I download sample Q-SYS design files?

Discover where to easily download sample Q-SYS design files.

Updated at September 24th, 2024


Sample designs are available to download through Asset Manager in Q-SYS Designer with the following steps:

  1. Open Asset Manager.
  2. Find the desired Sample Design in the list.
  3. Click Install to download.
  4. Go to the File menu.
  5. Click Open Sample Design.
  6. Choose your downloaded sample design to open.


Sample Designs will be stored in the directory specific to the version used to download.

C:\Users\Public\Documents\QSC\Q-SYS Designer <version #>

For example, a sample downloaded using version 8.4 will store in the following location:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\QSC\Q-SYS Designer 8.4