FAQ | What does the URL Button do?

Learn how to use the URL button and understand its function in this FAQ article.

Updated at April 24th, 2024


The URL Button is a Schematic Element for use on UCIs. It can be found in the Schematic Elements → UCI Buttons → URL Button. When pressed it opens the URL set in the URL Property in the device's default web browser. 


The URL Button does not function when pressed on a UCI running on a TSC. A tablet or PC running the UCI is required.



  1. Drag the URL Button onto a UCI and style to your preference. 
  2. In Properties, fill in the URL you want to open when the button is pressed.

  1. Once the URL is configured “Save to Core & Run”. 

When you press the URL Button while using the UCI Viewer Windows App, UCI Link via Core Manager, or the iOS Q-SYS UCI app the URL you typed into the properties will open in the devices default web browser.