Factory Reset | I/O 8 Flex

Discover how to perform a factory reset on your I/O 8 Flex device, enabling you to restore its original settings and resolve any software issues that may be affecting its performance.

Updated at February 2nd, 2024


Use the following steps to reset an I/O 8 Flex to its factory default settings:

  1. Press and hold the ‘ID’ and ‘Next’ buttons for 3 seconds. You'll then see the message “ID to confirm”
  2. Press the 'ID' button to confirm reset or press the ‘Next’ button to cancel the process
  3. Wait for the I/O 8 Flex to complete the reset process and reboot (this will take a few minutes)


The factory reset process will reset all of the network settings to default (DHCP) and will reset the host name to the default name. Additionally, the process will delete the access control settings and the system information logs.